I’m Dylan, also referred to affectionately as Sinead McMullet (and a slew of other proxy names).

I like to do traditional style tattoos, black and grey or colour, custom or flash. I grew up in the bush, born in the land between two waters (Shishalh territory, B.C.); using longboards and kayaks to get around; climbing trees and fishing and swimming, and always, always drawing! I had a book of de Vinci sketches as a kid and I would sit on the floor and try to draw what he drew, determined to develop the skill of observation and translation of it into a sketch. I drew maps of my neighborhood and pictures of fairies. In highschool I was definitely an artsy kid, winning the a fine arts award, drawing tattoos on classmates with sharpies (giant wing backpiece was my fave). There were no tattoo shops where I lived and at that time tattooing seemed like a pipe dream, but ceci n’est pas une pipe, c’est la vie! And where there’s a will… I started to take an interest in tattooing in grade 10 despite the lack of tattoo culture where I lived. A sociology / gender studies degree, and a decade long career in publishing later, I still wanted to tattoo. By that time I had developed some discipline and self efficacy, and realized if I could achieve all the other societally approved goals I had tried to accomplish to be “sensible” then I could apply myself to follow my dreams! I had been painting traditional flash and getting tattooed and pestering tattooers with greater obsessive consistency and enthusiasm for a few years as I was finishing university. I hungrily researched tattoo history, listened to podcasts, read books, talked to tattooers I admired (big thanks to Mr. Heath Smith) and eventually was taken under the wing of Johnny Faulds and Andrew the wizard, my tat dads (and Lobo and Squizzle who is no longer with us). Johnny had a character that captivated and inspired me to commit full force to an apprenticeship, learning the trade, and carrying on in a humble, dedicated way with Urge 2 Tattoo, my tat home. I finished my apprentice during the first year of the pandemic and I am so grateful to have had such a rewarding career to focus on, incredible clients to work with, and the best coworkers and mentors I could ask for. As Andrew says, the ideal is to do nice tattoos for nice people. #blessed

Contact Dylan

Email Dylan to inquire and book your consultations or appointments.

6551 111 Street NW
Edmonton, AB
